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At University of Idaho, waste management and waste reduction are top priorities. 作为一个可持续发展的机构, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the natural environment by reducing how much waste we produce and disposing of our waste properly. 探索 our waste programs below and learn more about how you can contribute to responsible waste management.

  • 建议3.5: Reconstitute a Moscow campus recycling program and hire dedicated recycling staff.
  • 建议3.6: 研究 and implement technology and systems to reduce and reuse 食物浪费, 比如捐赠没有变质的食物, 开始一个堆肥项目,安装消化器.
  • 建议3.7: Establish procurement standards by which to reduce or eliminate single-use plastic on campus in dining services, vending and research labs; this would include providing reusable to-go containers at dining locations, replacing single-use straws and cutlery with compostable or reusable products and adding water bottle fill stations in each building.


The University of Idaho uses a single-stream campus-wide recycling system. 有关校园回收的更多资料,请 参观汪达尔回收站我们的新回收仪表盘!



堆肥 is a great way for individuals to dispose of organic waste in an environmentally responsible manner. 堆肥 is the process that converts organic materials, 比如食物垃圾, into nutrient-rich soil or mulch through natural decomposition. The end product of the process is called compost and is typically a dark, 易碎的, 可用于农业的泥土材料, 园艺和其他户外项目.


堆肥 at home can reduce how much trash we send to the landfill and can help build healthy soil. 就像大自然自己的循环过程一样, composting helps address climate change and can help build more resilient and beneficial waste streams for communities. 当我们堆肥时, we reduce the trash sent to landfills that would eventually emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We also save money by producing high-quality soil amendment that we can use in place of fertilizers and pesticides while also improving plant growth in gardens and yards.

在家里堆肥有很多不同的方法, 无论是通过后院的堆肥堆, vermicomposting (worm composting) system or by dropping off your compostable materials at a community composting site. 堆肥 takes minimal effort; with the proper balance of conditions and materials, 大自然会照顾好剩下的.


In Moscow, there are a couple of places where you can take your compostable materials:

  • 帕卢斯清水环境研究所(PCEI)
    • Accepted materials: kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable scraps, 茶包, 咖啡过滤器, 蛋壳, 餐巾纸), 动物皮毛, 撕碎的报纸
    • 不接受的材料:可堆肥塑料, 肉类产品, 乳制品, 分离食用油, 庭院废弃物, 垃圾和可回收物
    • 了解更多关于PCEI的信息.
  • 汉密尔顿社区花园
    • Accepted materials: kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable scraps, 茶包, 咖啡过滤器, 蛋壳, 餐巾纸), 动物皮毛, 撕碎的报纸, organic garden waste (ornamental flowers and vegetable plants NOT treated with pesticides)
    • 不接受的材料:可堆肥塑料, 剪草, 木, 树木和灌木修剪物, 外来入侵植物, 污垢, 肉类产品, 乳制品, 分离食用油, 垃圾和可回收物
    • 了解更多关于汉密尔顿社区花园的信息.
  • 内陆北部废物(莫斯科回收中心)

设施管理固体废物计划为伊利诺伊大学. 浏览固体废物网页 阅读固体废物指引及收费.

大学盈余 manages the auction and sale of university property that is no longer being used. 而不是扔掉旧的东西, employees must take them to Surplus and have them resold, 捐赠, 回收, 或者妥善处理. Having a surplus system is a great way to reduce how much waste we produce as a university and provide quality second-hand items to our community. 剩余物品商店从早上9点开始营业.m. 到3点.m. 星期五. 欲了解更多信息,请访问盈余网站.


浪费 can be one of the most difficult environmental challenges to tackle. The material goods that we wind up throwing away have environmental and human health consequences during the extraction of natural resources, 货物的生产, 他们的交通工具,最终, 他们的处理.

When we throw our trash in our bins, most of us don’t know what happens to it. 它去了哪里?? 它变成了什么? Not seeing what happens to our trash has led to an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to waste generation and disposal. 因此, we may produce as much trash as we want without thinking about the resulting environmental impacts.

The reality is that trash has significant environmental impacts. Irresponsible waste disposal can create pollution in the air, water and soil. Chemical and hazardous wastes can expose us and other life to dangerous toxins, 影响整个社区的健康. 浪费 also creates greenhouse gases that accelerate atmospheric warming; municipal solid waste landfills are the 3rd largest source of human-related methane emissions in the U.S. Read more about the environmental impacts of waste from the U.S. 环境保护署.


了解更多废物对环境的影响. 在资源选项卡中, you will find many websites and reports that discuss how much pollution waste creates and how to minimize it. 然后,学习如何正确处理你的废物. 知道如何区分可回收物品, 堆肥和填埋材料并不容易, 而且它通常是区域性的. 在下面的参考资料选项卡中, you will see websites that explain what can be 回收, 在莫斯科市进行堆肥和垃圾处理. 最后,行动. Do your part in disposing of your waste properly and encourage your fellow Vandals to do the same.




电子邮件: uofi-sustainability@jhhnyb.com
